What should I do?

2018-01-31 12:18 am
So I’m done my semester of high school (12B) and don’t know what to do now? I’m working part time but if I go full time I want a different job with harder work (the kind they won’t hire me for right now lol) but what should I do now??

回答 (4)

2018-01-31 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to learn a trade like construction, carpentry, electrician, etc., find out how to get into a training course so you can work towards a good paying job without college. If you think you might want to go to college, start at your local community college part time while you work so you are moving toward that goal.

You need to get some kind of training beyond HS to make enuf money as an adult.
2018-01-31 4:43 am
Get a full time job. If you are done with school it's time to work full time. You usually have to work your way up to harder work by being the best you can in a lower position.
2018-01-31 1:55 am
if you can't get another job, hang on to the one you have
2018-01-31 12:23 am

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