What are some of your favorite, unusual food combinations?

2018-01-30 3:38 pm
Mine are:
Pizza with maple syrup, oreo cookies with miracle whip, ketchup with cake, peanutbutter saurkraut and onions on the same hot dog, grape jelly and ham sandwich, peanutbutter jelly and cheese sadwich.

回答 (14)

2018-01-30 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hot dog with peanut butter and grape jelly.....fries dipped in a chocolate shake......
2018-01-31 1:14 pm
fritoes with rhubarb compote
2018-01-30 3:40 pm
Potatoe chips and chocolate, tacos with peanuts,
2018-01-31 6:09 am
Corn with ketchup.
Rice with ketchup.
French fries with mayo.
Ruffles (regular, none other will do) with mayo
Ramen noodles. Cook, drain water, add butter and the seasoning.
2018-01-31 1:02 am
Speaking of maple syrup, it's really good on cottage cheese.
2018-01-31 12:38 am
Peanut butter & banana sandwiches
Pizza with hot sauce
2018-01-30 8:23 pm
Sriracha & Peanut Butter
2018-01-30 4:58 pm
~ every once in a while a bolonie sandwich with strawberry jam, which strikes some people as odd!
2018-01-30 4:37 pm
Nutella on Club crackers.
2018-01-30 3:50 pm
Fries and ranch. Soda and a straw
2018-01-31 12:14 am
Honey cured bacon, Stilton cheese and chocolate sandwiches on grilled bread
2018-01-30 5:18 pm
Celery with peanut butter, salted crackers dipped in coffee, jalapeno peppers in a grilled cheese sandwich
2018-02-01 5:40 pm
Slice of fruit cake with butter Vegemite and cheese on top.
2018-01-31 6:58 am
Your taste buds have either completely died or you are a troll-since No One puts maple syrup on Pizza.

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