2018-01-30 9:16 am
I have been casually seeing this guy the past month. We hang out a lot in a group with his friends, and also one on one some. It has been great. No drama, and we have a lot in common. We are both fans of the same college team, and enjoy the same things. We have been intimate, but not every time we hang out. Friday he asked me to go to a concert with him. We go to the show with a few of his friends, and have a blast. The entire night he is holding my hand, or putting his hand on my back, kissing me. He even was telling me I'm like the perfect girl for him. We have a great night, and then go back to his house. I stay the night, and wake up the next morning to him being really sweet, and cuddling me. He was begging me to just stay and cuddle the rest of the morning. He even jokingly hid my phone so I would stay longer. I had to get home, so left. He walked me downstairs, and kissed me goodbye, and said he would text later. Around 1:00pm he sent me a Facebook invite to his Super Bowl Party this Sunday. As the day and night went on I never heard from him which was weird. Around 10pm I text him and asked what he was up to. He ignored me entirely which he has never done, and I have not heard a word from him sense. He has essentially ghosted me for no reason. I know he is ok because he keeps commenting on the Super Bowl invite that he invited me to. What could have possibly happened? What should I do? I still have not said another word to him. I really liked him. Help!

回答 (3)

2018-01-30 1:40 pm
Yea ur overthinking this. He didn't "ghost" u. If he were to ghost u..u wouldn't hear from him at all. He prob got busy or something. Just wait till u see him in person & talk to him then. Some guys don't like to text often. Don't assume something is going on when in reality it's prob nothing.
2018-01-30 9:24 am
Its only monday..because you guys had a great time doesn't mean you have to talk to him every day or even every other day. he has a life outside of you and I assume you do as well. He did invite you to the superbowl party, right? So relax, ignore him and show up at the party and take it from there.
2018-01-30 9:22 am
So he went a day, maybe two after inviting you to his party and you think you've been ghosted? I think you're way overthinking this and are going to destroy what could be a really good thing through your doubts and insecurities. Two days, dear. Two - Saturday to today, Monday. Please slow down and stop making assumptions.

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