Do I have to only eat healthy to get in shape, or can I just count calories?

2018-01-30 7:47 am
I need to get into shape in about 5-6 months for reasons its too much work to type. But do I have to only eat healthy, or is it okay to eat whatever as long as I stay within a certain amount of calories?

Btw I am 13 and will be 14 in early march, doesn't being younger usually mean a faster metabolism?

回答 (10)

2018-01-30 9:11 am
Low carb, high heathy fats. Try Atkins or Keto. You don't count calories.. just carbs. You can eat a good bit of food. Lots of info on line. I prefer Atkins but i do tend to mix it up a bit.
2018-01-30 8:02 am
Forget calories.
It is only carbohydrates that cause weight gain, cut out refined carbs such as sugars and flour products, eat plenty of protein and fat and you will lose weight.
Restricting calories will stunt your growth.
2018-02-01 5:45 am
You have to do both. To get in shape you have to eat healthily. and to lose a few pounds you have to cut calories.
Stay away from the fad diets like Atkins or Keto, they are just short-term solutions. Instead register with SparkPeople, EatThisMuch and get a well-designed meal plan and stick to it.
Or you could use CronOmeter to analyze your present diet and just make adjusments.
2018-01-31 4:03 pm
not really. if you cut out sugar and flour/grain you'll lose weight like crazy though. its excess carbs that keep you from shedding fat.
2018-01-30 2:32 pm
Choose quality over quantity. The types of food you eat are so much more important for overall health than counting calories.
2018-01-30 7:55 am
I reckon "moderation" is the word you are looking for. You can eat almost anything and keep it balanced. Don't count your calories, but reduce the amount you eat like if you eat two hamburgers, eat one. Don't leave your food behind, but look how much you eat. If your stomach says that is enough, you shouldn't take a bite after that. We tend to over-fill our stomachs that is why all that energy is stored as fat.
2018-01-30 7:53 am
All things in moderaton. Just remember to get some excersize as well.
2018-01-30 7:51 am
Eating more doesn't necessarily mean you cannot get into shape. That is bulking up, and is necessary if you want to increase muscle mass in the long run; it really helps.
2018-01-30 7:48 am
If typing too much work, then stick to counting.
2018-01-31 2:16 am
Depends on how extreme your bad diet is. For example eating McDonalds and fries and soda for lunch then having ice cream an hour later is Bad. However a cheesburger + ice cream + a little work out is perfectly alright.

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