Vacation with ex!!?

2018-01-29 6:02 am
So i just found out that my ex-boyfriend are going on the same trip with his class as my class. And i don’t know What to do. I still have feelings for him even though it’s Been a year since we broke up. How am I supossed to react?? And it’s In march. I can’t deal with it

回答 (5)

2018-01-29 8:51 am
This is not a vacation. You're on a field trip. Grow up.
2018-01-29 8:10 am
You are not going on vacation with your ex. You are both going on the same class trip. That is all.

I would advise you to ignore him. He's moved on.
2018-02-05 6:55 am
just treat him as if he were someone you know like seeing your doctor outside of the office.
2018-01-29 8:12 am
2 classes of kids is a big buffer. Just hang with your friends and have a good time.
2018-01-31 6:33 am
You need to work harder on getting over him. And its actually not nearly as tough as you think. All you need to do is find someone to replace him. I mean find a new crush. Once you do you will begin to spend your time focusing on that person instead of the boy from your past. And the better you get to know him the more you will think about him, and the less you will think about your ex, until your ex only becomes a fond memory.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:55:03
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