would it be health care fraud if you remained on spouses plan after divorce?

2018-01-29 4:42 am

回答 (6)

2018-01-29 10:14 am
It's fraud if you lie or deceive in order to obtain something of value.

Some plans might let you remain on them, but if you outright lie and say you're still married when you're not, that's fraud.

Some people just do legal separations instead of divorces so they don't lose benefits like this.
2018-01-29 4:46 am
2018-01-30 5:08 am
Under Obamacare, yes.
2018-01-29 9:17 am
Possibly, would depend on the plan.
2018-01-29 5:42 am
Yes. Once you are divorced you are no longer the spouse.
2018-01-29 5:48 am
Great god in heaven that you have to even ask this question, are you really so ignorant?

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