What does "in the telling" mean?

2018-01-28 9:39 pm

回答 (1)

2018-01-28 10:53 pm
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It could mean several things, but generally it is used to mean, literally, saying the thing out loud to describe it to someone. Generally used to underline the difference between actually doing the thing rather than talking about doing the thing. When you have to actually do it, suddenly it is not so easy. Easier said than done, easier in the telling than the doing. But sometimes it means that it is not possible to pass on important information in the telling (like describing a car accident or a broken heart from being dumped by a girlfriend). Something is lost in the telling. I cannot fully describe the fear I felt, or the hurt I experienced. I cannot explain that to you in the telling. You have to imagine it. It might seem a completely harmless event from the words. The telling does not fully explain.

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