Are you shy or confident?

2018-01-28 8:13 pm
I am shy and I am afraid to dance in front of people. The reason is because I feel like all eyes are on me and I am being watched. It feels so uncomfortable. I am also afraid to perform, give a speech, and a presentation in front of multitudes or even a small number of people. I have stage fright so my body trembles uncontrollably, I have butterflies in my stomach, I feel dizzy, I have rapid breathing, and my heart beats very fast. And because of this I make up excuses to hide in the restroom. I don't have confidence or courage. If only there was a way I could conquer my shyness and stage fright. What would be the audience's reaction? What if they criticize me or make fun of me? I don't want to make a mistake or make a fool of myself.

回答 (6)

2018-01-28 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2018-01-30 12:04 pm
To tell the truth no one cares how you dance. They are all concerned about they look like on the floor.
Join a speakers club. Find a friend who dances well and ask for lessons.
If you have to get up in front of a group, focus on one person or just think of them all in their undies.
2018-01-28 11:52 pm
Little shy and confident
2018-01-28 10:17 pm
Very very shy
2018-01-28 10:11 pm
many wise people say even re school education nowadays that you can't learn unless you accept failure on the way. it's a mindset that it's felt leads to success. i was shy when younger but told myself that i was as good as anyone else, and it was conceited to think that i was the centre of anyones attention when not centre stage. i joined the school dramatic society and got some fabulous parts that i revelled in. now i'm probably perceived as far too cocky and opinionated for my own good as worked/competed with many americans too who 'blow their own trumpets' far more than brits - but we're learning!
2018-01-28 8:41 pm
Have you tried Praying to GOD and asking GOD for strength? Asking for what ever help you need. Best to pray this each day to strengthen it more and more and to prove to GOD you really want what you/one prays for!
2018-01-28 8:31 pm
Overcoming Shyness

According to Canada’s Toronto Star, “about 13 per cent of adults suffer from extreme shyness.” The newspaper reports that this “prevents them from leading full lives.” Experts cited tips for overcoming shyness: “Think of conversation starters from news events, magazine articles, books, hobbies or movies.” “Practise verbal and non-verbal communications skills, including making eye contact [and] active listening.” “Force yourself to do things you fear.” “If you’re a parent of a shy child, it’s important that you provide plenty of opportunities for your youngster to socialize.” The encouragement was not to give up, for experience shows that the more one tries to overcome shyness, the easier it gets.

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