Am I a goody goody?

2018-01-28 7:10 pm
I know that I used to be one but I don’t think I am now. I used to be Christian and promised myself that I would never have sex before marriage or get drunk/smoke. I had sex at the age of 20 and this was when I started drinking, I didn’t get proper drunk until the age of 22 when I first started uni and I got drunk every night. I’m now 24 and rarely drink just because I’m over it. For years I was to shy to talk to guys and didn’t get my first kiss until I was 19, it was with a family friend who came to visit me at my Nan’s house and he kissed me on her couch but since I started uni I’ve made out with plenty of ransoms while drunk in clubs. I’ve only had sex with one person (pot dealer ex) when I first met him I was scared to try pot but after a while I started doing it on the odd occasion. I did it sometimes in my first year of uni but Now I never do it because I dont have a dealer. Ive smoked cigarettes a few times when drunk. In my first year of uni I was drunk every night. The last time I had sex was 2015. I’ve only blacked out drunk once before in my life when I threw up on my friends carpet 4 times. I’ve only been home with one guy besides my ex and all I did was give him
Head. Me and my ex were still having sex after we broke up.

回答 (12)

2018-01-28 7:13 pm
Sounds like a sarcastic question to me. . .
2018-02-01 7:15 am
You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
2018-01-29 12:58 am
It is hard to believe that pot is not available to you, even if you aren't on the West Coast. While it was "prohibited", it was as widely available as alcohol.

I think it is safe to say, since you have been around the block *several* times, that you are no "goody goody".
2018-01-28 9:00 pm
You sound pretty normal to me. You've tried everything and discovered what you don't like and then decided not to 'do' it anymore. Very sensible of you. It's what growing up is all about. Exploring. The non sensible bits of your question for me are the carrying on sleeping with the ex boyfriend after you've finished. Why? Is that sensible? Is it finished or not? Think about it. The blacking out drunk was stupid. I hope you didn't like it and don't do that again. It leaves you very vulnerable so lucky you were with a good friend even if you ruined his/her carpet. Hope you paid for the cleaning. The not doing pot because you don't have a dealer. That's a bit strange. If you were surrounded by dealers you would start doing pot regularly again? Not very sensible for a sensible lady. Perhaps that's why you stick with the ex-pot-dealing-boyfriend. Are you somewhat hooked on the drug and not on him? Think about that as well.
2018-01-31 4:24 am
Smoking, drinking, getting high and having sex? You're definitely not a "goody goody."
2018-01-30 8:42 am
To fix this, just turn time to back and don’t break your promises
2018-01-29 9:02 am
I do believe you experienced so many things and don't have a good hold on your life in general..........Please take account of your life and know to renew your FAITH IN CHRIST............ask for forgiveness for all your short comings..........think better of who you are and what you want out of life...........KNOW YOU ARE SPECIAL........... and make much better choices from now on..
Bless you on this newer journey..........
2018-01-29 4:21 am
Maybe you should be in a confessional telling this to a priest. What is it that you want approval absolution? To each his own. Live your live as you see fit. You don't need approval.
2018-01-29 2:24 am
How sad that you need the prop of chemical comfort.
And bolster your ego by multiple relationships
2018-01-28 8:48 pm
It sounds more to me like you lost your passion, or possibly never had one to begin with. You need to think about what makes you happy in life and pursue that. As a consequence of that, you have a good chance of really connecting with someone who has the same passion as you.
2018-01-30 10:09 pm
You need some one who give you proper way to purify yourself.
2018-01-30 6:19 pm
It sounds like to me that you are sorry as hell. There, is that what you want to hear? Because it's true. You nword lover.
2018-01-29 9:31 pm
Sounds like you've found a pretty good balance.

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