英文改寫 請問What is the weather like in London 可以改寫成 What the weather is like in London嗎?

2018-01-27 4:11 pm

回答 (4)

2018-01-27 6:10 pm
What is the weather like in London? 是一隻疑問句.
妳改了以後 就不是了 而且變成 名詞子句 不是一個完整的句子了!
2018-01-28 8:07 am
What the weather likes in London (is foggy) --------noun clause with subject +vt
Not a complete sentence but a clause if you change from the question:-
What is the weather like in London ?-------showing the form of a question; an interrogative.
2018-02-02 4:32 am
What is the weather's forecast in London ? Yip
2018-02-01 6:26 pm

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