Would it be possible for the Democrats and Republicans to migrate apart?

2018-01-27 2:29 pm
Like for instance, if the Democrats were given the Northern half of the country and the Republicans to have the South. A border wall would be put between the two are separate countries.

回答 (17)

2018-01-27 2:35 pm
The BEST thing for America, and Americans is a continuous, high-spirited debate about what needs to be done, how do we go about doing it, and who is going to pay for it. America operates BEST when EVERYONE is involved in the political process. Sure, I disagree with a lot of the Democratic agenda, but it wouldn't BE America, if we silenced the expression of the views of ANY political party.
2018-01-27 2:33 pm
The separation will happen on judgment day when liberals are damned to Hell for all eternity.
2018-01-27 2:32 pm
They are separated.
Democrats are separate from logic, reason and accountability.
2018-01-27 2:32 pm
Fine with me. Can we ship they libs up north?

That means you get all the gays, illegals, thugs, and lazy welfare leeches.
2018-01-27 2:33 pm
Wow, you must really hate America if you're willing to succeed simply because you don't agree with a political ideology. Why don't you just fark off down to Mexico, they're very conservative down there.
2018-01-27 2:49 pm
Stick all the Libs into California and New York ,,,,,,,, and then FLUSH .
2018-01-27 2:36 pm
Nope because they Democrats would send illegal invaders into the south to destroy us.
2018-01-27 10:48 pm
We have already been down that road, nit wit. It was called the Civil War.
2018-01-27 7:24 pm
Why would Democrats get anything?

This is not their county.

We'll be fair. They have 60 days to leave. They can go to Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea.
2018-01-27 5:03 pm
2018-01-27 2:33 pm
That didn't work in the 1860's and it wouldn't work now.
2018-01-28 3:55 am
No. Certain types of food wouldn't be able to be grown in the northern half (due to the weather) and wouldn't be able to be grown in the southern half (because the Republicans wouldn't let in enough foreigners to do the necessary farm work). The shortages of these types of food would cause health problems (in both halves of the country).
2018-01-27 4:46 pm
Do you believe in freedom of choice? We are all Americans.
2018-01-27 2:53 pm
They have already largely migrated apart. If every city that touches and ocean or the Great Lakes vanished, the country would be about 75% Republican.
2018-01-27 2:43 pm
2018-01-27 2:33 pm
The geographic boundaries aren't like that. The map linked below shows the area's that would need to be split apart.
2018-01-27 2:32 pm
The South is Democratic. Remember, we are the real KKK racists!

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