
2018-01-27 10:56 am


回答 (3)

2018-01-27 2:06 pm
Taiwan 是中文"台灣"的音譯,音譯只要發音像,後"約定成俗",就是大家一致採用這字的英文拼法,久之就成了這中文名稱專有的音譯英文,看大家是否都採用而定,如Taiwan這字做為"台灣"的音譯英文字已數百年,就成了台灣專有的英譯字,必須如此寫才是大家所說的"台灣",不這麼音譯,大家就不知何指,是否所有的人都這樣用來決定對錯,但如果1音譯並未受全體的認定,就沒有一定的音譯法,就沒有那譯法是對或錯,如"陳",有譯為cheng, 有譯為chen, 未經全體認定的,就隨人所譯。
2018-02-01 6:27 pm
2018-01-29 1:22 am
Your question on pronunciation and translation on a word vocabulary "Taiwan" or the "Taiwan English" in" English Tsai "style ?
pronunciation is way in which a language is spoken
try study the pronunciation of English
with lessons in pronunciation by the National Universities;
asking the way in which a" Taiwan" word is pronounced.
which of those pronunciations do you recommend for the past 100 years ?
person's way of speaking-listening a language "Taiwan" Or the "subject", Or the words on a language for the past 100 years.
The pronunciation is improving by referring to the famous Universities Or Government Dept. officially declared&concerned.
Is it acceptable?
Is it improving?
Is intonation included?
Is it American styled or not?
Intonation may be the rise and fall of the pitch of the voice in speaking;
Also as an element of meaning in language, including the word "Taiwan".
If intonation, meaning, and speaking and listening are acceptable officially, then the pronunciation of the word "Taiwan" is and should be acceptable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:19:15
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