Why does the Fake News main stream media seem to be exploding with Fake News lately?

2018-01-27 12:31 am
Its epidemic!

回答 (10)

2018-01-27 1:41 am
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It's the obsession to get rid of the POTUS. Losers can't get over the loss in which millions were at stake. The fix, the guarantee was in for Hillary to win. They weaponized the FBI by submitting a fake FISA Warrant. Fake news reporters are under pressure from their peers. Expressing a different opinion will cost them their job, so they have to go along with the narrative. Gotta find something, now it's POTUS and the prostitute, last week, he doesn't go to a Christian church, he calls women Fat pigs. I was going to show you a Fat pig. Hell with security at the border, healthcare for all at any cost, more sanctuary cities, fund abortion clinics, etc. Wake up sheeple.
2018-01-27 12:43 am
Name 3 fake news items run recently by mainstream media.
2018-01-27 12:38 am
Fake like the report that Trump wanted to fire Mueller last June and was talked out of it by his attorneys?
Something Trump denied happened and yet even FOX had to admit last night that the story was confirmed to be accurate.
2018-01-27 12:33 am
Because it isn't fake!
2018-01-27 12:33 am
Fake news is all the left has. Trump 2020 MAGA
2018-02-01 11:24 am
I agree
I have not seen so many lies from FOX in years
2018-01-27 4:12 am
Fake news isn't a thing...the NY Times doesn't publicize anything without a second source...

Could those sources be colluding and lying, sure...but unlikely they would provide the exact fake story.
2018-01-27 1:44 am
I believe that the major news programs (CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, CNN, etc) are fact checking before releasing any news about the President
2018-01-27 1:29 am
The Orange Nitwit confuses "fake news" with "news that he doesn't like....."
2018-01-27 12:38 am
That translates to: Why is the MSM seem to be exploding with so many FACTS lately? They are doing their jobs, late to do it but I guess better late than never. I love how Hannity had to eat his words about his "SOURCES"! Yeah, right.

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