Do you find Mass boring?

2018-01-26 12:40 pm

回答 (8)

2018-01-26 5:12 pm
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The rest also.
2018-01-26 1:21 pm
When I used to go to mass as a kid, yes. It could bore me to sleep and I never wanted to be there. Every time I think about it I'm so thankful I rid myself of that nonsense.
2018-01-26 4:44 pm
I've never been to mass.
2018-01-26 12:43 pm
2018-01-27 7:40 pm
Nope i never been to one in my life
2018-01-26 8:43 pm
No, we have multiple Bible readings plus sermon. No, rarely
2018-01-26 3:28 pm
Not since I learned what all the parts were, and what they mean.
2018-01-26 3:23 pm
Not the Extraordinary Form.
2018-01-26 8:36 pm
Why I like to read the book about the bible that is informational and learning tool.
"What does the bible really teach" It has articles that make you think and it is interesting. go here and ask for a copy. or download for free.
2018-01-26 1:14 pm
No. I was raised Protestant. I've been to a Catholic church a few times, and always enjoyed it because it is very different than the church services I am used to, and therefore I found it to be very interesting.

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