What kind of job should I look for with this skill set?

2018-01-24 1:55 am
Speaking Chinese (Mandarin), typing 110 words per minute, having over 2 years experience in the restaurant business. Ready to move on to some place with more opportunities. Not sure where to look though.

回答 (10)

2018-01-24 6:58 am
an interpreter, who types fast...
2018-01-24 6:53 am
probably an office that caters to people who use Mandarin as their form of communication
2018-01-24 5:54 am
Restaurant or fast food? There is a difference. Not sure the Mandarin will get you a second look on your resume with the exception of a few, very few, jobs interrupting in a LARGE city somewhere. 110 a minute with how many errors? I am trying to be realistic with you and the fact is you have no real marketable skills beyond getting a good basic job and moving up!
2018-01-24 4:51 am
depends 1st on where you are and demand
those are not uncommon skills and do not have any special need most places in the USA

one thing as advice....
"Ready to move on to some place with more opportunities"
do not put that on a resume ---- more opportunities does not mean much ,, especially if you go to a small business with 4 people WHO very well could use you ... but if there is the Boss, the bookkeeper, sales person, janitor parts man etc and then you,,,,, whose job are you looking at?

I would focus on your skills that are more unique , as in the restaurant what job did you have ? also realize 2 years is not much experience for many jobs

I would be open minded and not think you need to limit yourself to those listed "skills"
but 110 words is pretty good,,,

try a temp service they have exposure to many many permanent jobs of many kinds you many think of
2018-01-24 3:49 am
2018-01-24 3:34 am
Chinese restaurant--start with secretarial work and seek to get into food service and management.
2018-01-24 2:11 am
You can type 110 words per minute without any office experience??? Can you type 110 wpm accurately?

Any higher education?

It seems to me that your only experience is in the restaurant business, so that's where I would start.
2018-01-24 2:06 am
Typing doesn't matter anymore. If that's the whole of your skills and education, see about becoming certified as a translator.
2018-01-24 2:01 am
2018-01-24 1:56 am
2018-01-24 2:26 am
go to college

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