What does it mean when your ex-boyfriend wish you happy birthday?

2018-01-22 6:07 am
So he broke up with me and got a new girlfriend right after. And we haven’t texted since june and we broke up i march. And here the other day it was my birthday and one day after i receive a massage on facebook from him saying ‘’happy birthday with yesterday🙂’’ and i just wrote Thank you Andrew 🙂 and then he didn’t respons back

回答 (3)

2018-01-22 6:30 am
It doesn't mean anything. Facebook reminds people of every birthday. So it's easy to post a happy birthday message. It doesn't mean he even remembered your birthday. Don't read anything into it.
2018-01-22 6:29 am
It's a pleasantry or formality.
He isn't writing back because he has nothing further to say and does not need anything else from you.
2018-01-22 6:22 am
it means that he wants you to have a nice birthday and nothing more

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:54:39
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