doez the court notify you if your spouse divorces you?

2018-01-22 5:49 am

回答 (4)

2018-01-22 8:56 pm
You can't be divorced without you also signing the legal papers
2018-01-22 3:32 pm
Yes. They will send him a copy of the decree nisi.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2018-01-22 10:20 am
What "Kathy" said... In any state in the "USA" law requires you both to fill out some paperwork.

I was actually divorced in jail. I was served the papers in my cell. The only way your signature is not required if you can not be located, typically this means you are dead/intentionally hiding. Husbands avoiding things typically hide, this is not uncommon. I am not judging that, just telling you. I'd say the court would probably spend months to a year looking. If they could not your spouse would have the final say. even then effort would still be made to send the last bit of paper work to you or (somewhere you might be) if they believe you are alive.
2018-01-22 7:39 am
If they can, they do. Your unknown address doesn't actually stop your spouse from getting a divorce though.

You don't actually need both spouses cooperation for divorce proceedings to happen. Without it, it just takes longer.

After the complaint (petition for divorce) is filed, the court will give you X amount of days to respond and if you (or your attorney) don't... your spouse will receive an uncontested divorce and ... everything they asked for.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:58:31
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