What would happen if someone punched the NYPD in the face?

2018-01-20 1:01 pm
I m just curious but what would happen to the assailant?

回答 (11)

2018-01-20 10:27 pm
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The New York Police Department doesn't have a face. if you ATTEMPTED to punch an officer in the face, the LEAST that would happen is being arrested for assaulting an officer. You would be LUCKY if that was the worst injury you sustained.
2018-01-20 1:05 pm
If they weren't killed, they would be arrested for assault on a Police Officer.....a Felony.
2018-01-20 1:39 pm
Tased and arrested.
2018-01-20 1:35 pm
Arrested, jailed.
2018-01-20 1:08 pm
Consequences comes as obvious fine & jail time, considered under "assaulting a law enforcement officer", but sometimes this is also considered as an aggravated assault and result in a felony. Look at it this way, the officer has done nothing to you, yet you consider to punch him. Followed by that you either get taken down by the cop himself coz these cops are no joke, they get serious training and they're good at this. If somehow you manage to escape the crime scene, the cops hunt you down, and adhere an additional charge of escaping crime scene, avoiding arrest that definitely is going to make you end up in a jail, followed by a series of investigation and court time
參考: Say thankyou instead. Cops are doing a great job for country, being selfless.
2018-01-20 1:04 pm
They would be made a gladiator.
2018-01-26 3:01 am
The entire department? That's a lot of punching. It would take a while.
2018-01-20 10:53 pm
you would need a new dentist....what a stupid question
2018-01-20 2:45 pm
You shouldn't waste your time thing about it .
2018-01-20 11:06 pm
They'd be arrested dumbass for felony assault on an officer Get a damn brain instead of advertising what a brainless hoe you are

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