Do you believe in What Donald Trump says about a woman?? Chris Matthews asked then candidate Trump if a woman should be criminalized for?

2018-01-20 9:04 am
an abortion, YES or NO, and Donald J Trump says: THERE HAS TO BE SOME KIND OF PUNISHMENT FOR IT, Really??? He's going to criminalize a woman?? How about the man for inseminating her?? How about the parents for allowing their children to get promiscuous?

回答 (4)

2018-01-20 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
How can know what Trump believes when the man changes positions hourly.
2018-01-20 9:26 am
Murder is a criminal offense. Murdering your own unborn child is even more heinous. Everyone involved in the murder should be prosecuted, Mother, Father or Doctor. We are in a sick society that legalized the killing of innocent children.
2018-01-20 9:06 am
A woman can murder her baby without the consent of the father....she cant get pregnant that way. You moron.
2018-01-20 9:37 am
If what you indicate is true, he did not say the woman has to be punished.

He just said some kind of punishment. All those candidates for such punishment that you listed are reasonable candidates for being punished. But such would be on a case by case basis.

If the woman was raped, for example. Seems to me the punishment would be on the man who raped her. And I don't mean just for the raping, but also for the abortion that follows if it does follow.

If the woman is a minor, the man should be punished for statutory rape and punished, again, for the abortion. The girl would not be punished as she is a minor and the law considers her to be incapable of making sound decisions about having sex. That's why it's statutory rape. This would be a situation where also punishing the parents might be appropriate if promiscuity could be proven.

But if she's an adult and the sex was consensual, then they both should be punished for the abortion. And nowadays, paternity is easy to verify using DNA tests. As an adult, her parents are no longer responsible for the woman's behavior. So they should not be punished.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:54:16
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