Dog Doesn't Obey My Sister?

2018-01-20 7:45 am
We have a four year old Aussie. For some reason, I've noticed over the past couple of months that she likes to play rough with my little sister. She'll jump on her at full speed repeatedly and nip at her. She'll say no multiple times but she won't stop. As soon as I say no once, she looks at me and stops immediately. Why is it that she listens to me, but doesn't follow my sister's commands? Thanks.

回答 (7)

2018-01-20 9:47 pm
Dogs will choose who they prefer within a family, generally it's the one who has the most authority, has done most of the training and is firm. That can't be changed, period. Your responsibility to not allow this behavior, correct immediately each when caught in the act.
2018-01-20 8:08 am
She doesn't see your sister as part of the hierarchy in her pack
2018-01-20 7:49 am
She views your sister as lower in the pack hierarchy than she is. Nipping and attacking her like she does is not acceptable, and she should be disciplined when she does this.
2018-01-20 7:48 am
Because she doesn’t think your sister is the beta. You’re obviously the alpha so she’ll listen to you. She considers herself the beta so she only listens to the alpha. Your sister needs to show who’s in charge so that the dog gets bumped down to delta and your sister gets bumped up to beta.
2018-01-20 8:53 pm
Well he sure as hell wouldnt obey you either .... Why is,that he is my dog. and has bonded too me So does only as I say, Your dog shouldnt obey me either cos it bonded too you ...... And thats also exactly why YOUR dog wont obey your sister. If my wife tells my dog to do something with me present he looks at me for my ok and ignores her til he gets it.
When im away on the other hand he will obey her without question...But nobody else at all. He is highly protective toward anyone that belongs also.

Just as he is of my ewes............( He wont obey the Ewes or them either though. eh) ...Thank my lucky stars
參考: Just a simple Shepherd and his Dogs
2018-01-20 5:36 pm
She likely views your sister as another puppy. You have managed to work with the dog and may have a slightly higher part in the hierarchy. Your sister also might be somewhat smaller.

It might help for your sister to take the dog on walks. You could walk along with her for assistance. This may help the dog see that she is somewhat in charge. The dog is probably not doing any harm, just playing with your sister. Some people will play along with the dogs this way.
2018-01-20 7:51 pm
Have your sister repeatedly hit the dog with a baseball bat so that she shows the dog that she's higher up than it on the hierarchy

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