Question about Disneyland tickets??????

2018-01-20 6:16 am
We bought 3 "one day regular tickets" at Disneyland last year. We used them once and they gave the tickets back to us. I looked online and from what it says, you can use the one day regular pass until it expires (dec2018).
So does that mean we can use them again and again until the expiration date and not have to pay???

回答 (2)

2018-01-20 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
They were only good for one day. You could use them anytime until the expiration date, but only once. Since you've already used them they are no longer valid for park admission.
2018-01-20 6:18 am
No. They give the ticket back to you as a keepsake (since most visitors are tourists).
It's been scanned and used. If they scan it again it will be denied. The expiry date is simply the date that the pass is no longer usable to redeem your one day admission.

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