How is it that the Trump thinks the media is mistreating him?? Going all the way back to the GOP primaries he insulted every candidate?

2018-01-20 2:32 am
He insulted peoples groups, he ran his mouth off via 4th grade level tweets and the media isn't suppose to come after him??

回答 (17)

2018-01-20 2:35 am
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Its funny when Trump insults people. The media should respect the president
2018-01-20 2:34 am
Whining about mistreatment is a common tactic of the guilty.
2018-01-20 2:35 am
Typical conservative double standard!
2018-01-20 2:34 am
He thinks because he is in the oval office all his sins are forgiven and we have no right to say anything. He wants us to sit down and shut up like Putin controls Russia. Hes playing President without the know how.
2018-01-20 2:34 am
That is a reasonable assertion. Trump has reaped what he has sowed.
2018-01-20 2:49 am
Because he thinks the 1st amendment right of freedom of speech only applies to him and the part about freedom of the press is fake.
2018-01-20 2:37 am
Like most bullies, he can dish it out but he can't take it. The guy is absolutely full of insults for everyone but can't even take a minor criticism. That seems to me to be an inappropriate personality type for such an important and stressful job.
2018-01-20 2:56 am
Trump's a snowflake.

He needs a safe space.
2018-01-20 2:37 am
As a point of order, an insult and a lie are not equivalent.

When someone says Trump is a "fat, orange ape" that's an insult.

When someone says that Trump is "guilty of treason," that is a lie. (He has not even been tried, much less convicted.)

I don't know that Trump has ever complained about being insulted by the press.
2018-01-20 2:55 am
Simple, because he believes he is a god. Anything less than worship is mistreatment.
2018-01-20 2:37 am
Trump no doubt has trouble with harsh words. On the other hand, every study asking the media whether they are liberal or conservative has resulted in the finding that about ninety percent of the media are liberals. That fact can't help but create bias in the media against conservatives.
2018-01-20 3:01 am
Trump thinks the media is mistreating him because the fake news media did not give Trump the debate questions like they did for Hillary.

Jimmy Carter: feels the Media has been harder on Trump

CNN accepts resignations of 3 involved in retracted story

Harvard Report: There Is A Huge Anti-Trump Bias In Corporate Media
2018-01-20 2:37 am
Take the recent report from the President's doctor for example.

The doc said he's in fine health and even passed an unnecessary mental cognitive test with a perfect score.

Yet the hateful media is telling us he's going to have a heart attack and die, they ask questions like Does the president use illegal drugs, etc.?

And no matter what the President does, they always take the most hostile and cynical tone.

Remember Fox News during the Obama Presidency? That is now the entire rest of the news media during the Trump Presidency.
2018-01-20 3:08 am
Yeah, I can't take 4th grade insults - from anybuddy.
2018-01-20 2:51 am
Cuz he's now Chief Executive.
2018-01-20 2:48 am
Because they are. They are obsessed with their obvious hatred of him. It's totally amusing. They gave him all this free coverage until he actually got the nomination. Then they started attacking the man they had helped put in office.
2018-01-20 2:58 am
He only struck back.

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