Is it true, that the trade deficit was higher this year under Trump than in any year under Obama???

2018-01-19 8:43 pm
That can't be true can it? Since the Trumptards brag on this one thing called the GDP for one quarter

回答 (2)

2018-01-19 8:49 pm
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As long as we continue to import more than we export, there will always be a trade deficit. Obama, Trjmp, Hillary or Oprah, it doesn't matter who is in office. Americans want to earn $25 an hour to watch a machine work, where Chinese convict labor gets a bowl of rice for putting in 18 hour dsys.
2018-01-19 9:01 pm
Yes, it is true, but not increasing at the rate it has the previous 8 years under Obama.
Foreign trade was something Trump promised to balance and has yet to go to work on that.
The GDP is really a bad indicator and more reflects domestic production, and that is slightly improving for more industry.

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