If everyone is helping Africa then why is Africa Under developed?

2018-01-18 7:01 pm
I mean the amount of money people have the world's billionaires and countries and charities like why?

Also why is africa poor considering it has gold and diamond?

回答 (5)

2018-01-18 7:11 pm
All the financial aid goes into the pockets of a few dictators - who then recycle some to western crooks.
2018-01-18 7:06 pm
Its because of its corrupt govt.
2018-01-22 3:17 am
They lack race realism to realize a continent with an average IQ in the 60s will never become developed like a first world white or east asian nation could so it a waste of time and money to even try. If you compare average IQs and then look at development around the world you will see what I mean. Sure, mindless egalitarians will mention some countries in Africa that aren't that bad or claim colonialism or getting into the industrialization game late but they ignore other peoples with high average IQs in eastern asia for example who have in many ways surpassed whites despite the same issues despite the fact that they are resource poor. What do semi functioning African states have in common? Still more whites running them if they haven't been run off yet as they are in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Africans have never built a civilization and they never will be able to maintain a functional one on their own. The west feeding them and keeping them alive, helping them out is only multiplying them more than ever and ensuring more of them will flow into Europe when all of these African experiments fall apart so that they can ruin Europe too. A tough eugenics program would help Africa out a lot more than any current aid.
2018-01-18 8:40 pm
Corrupt governments and warring tribes and countries.
2018-01-18 8:46 pm
How much do you really know about Africa? Why do you spell "underdeveloped" as two words, with the first word capitalized?

The Democracy Index shows that Africa has a wide range of governments, from highly democratic to tyrannical.


Southern Africa is more democratic that North Africa, and in that respect is more highly developed.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:04:56
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