Would you fly on China Eastern Airlines?

2018-01-18 12:40 pm
It does not matter where you are going, be it China or elsewhere in Asia through connecting flights. I have heard of and read about bizarre incidents that happened on China Eastern Airlines regarding the Chinese passengers. So would you fly on China Eastern Airlines? Yes, or No? Why?

回答 (4)

2018-01-19 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Flown long-haul with them a couple of times. As good as any other airline. Food and drink was provided, so better than budget airlines. Only odd thing was doing aerobic stretches in the morning led by the stewardess's.
I would fly with them again.
2018-01-19 8:42 am
I have flown with them, and would again.
2018-01-19 2:15 am
I would and I have.
2018-01-18 11:12 pm
I have flown them before from LAX to Shanghai to Kuala Lumpur and from Kuala Lumpur to Shanghai to New York's JFK. The airline has decent service and the food was not bad. The airline has taken delivery of the Boeing 777-300 which is nicer than the Airbus 340-600 which I flew in. The Airbus 340 did not have the personal in-flight entertainment system and on the Shanghai to New York flight, all the airline showed was the moving map. The plane could not move fast enough because not only was I bored, my wife and I were taking turns holding onto our 16 month old baby at the time.

Would I fly with them again? Yes, I would fly with them again.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:58:13
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