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1. I think being beautiful is about being healthy.
我想,要美麗就要有健康。 (美麗是關乎於健康)
"about" is needed to make a connection between the subject "being beautiful" with a concept "being healthy". "being healthy" is not to rename or complement the subject.
"about" is a preposition (關於;為了) but not an adverb (大約;幾乎) in the above sentence.
此句可以改成 I think to be healthy is beautiful.嗎?
No, although grammatical, it has different meaning from the original sentence.
( I think to be healthy is beautiful. = I think it is beautiful to be healthy 我認為健康是美好的。)
2.(1) They thought (that) the novel worth reading.
The verb in the that-clause cannot be omitted.
It should be rewritten as: They thought the novel was worth reading.
If we consider the following pattern of using "think", it is not necessary to put "is" after "the novel".
- think + [object] + [predicate adjective] + [adjective complement, if any]
They thought + [the novel] + [worth] + [reading].
2.(2) We thought it our duty to take care of the orphans.
It is not necessary to put "is" after "it" in the above sentence.
One of the patterns of using "think" (to believe something):
- think + [object] + (to be) [predicate noun]
or, think + [dummy-it] + [predicate noun] + delayed [object]
We thought [it] [our duty] [to take care of the orphans].
= To take care of the orphans was thought to be our duty. ("to be" cannot be omitted in passive voice)
= It was thought (by us) to be our duty to take care of the orphans. (delayed object with dummy-it)