How do I handle this?

2018-01-17 9:01 am
So my friends invited me to go out and eat with them. Now it shouldn’t be a big deal all but one of us can drive and she’s riding with another girl. My problem is, I don’t like to drive in the area the restaurant is in. It’s always busy and stressful and it’s hard to find parking. I also don’t know the area well so that’s another problem. I tried to get out of it but they seemed annoyed at me for that. Which I can understand since it’s not the first time I’ve said no. Though the other times I actually had other plans. I don’t feel comfortable with this at all but I also don’t want to make them mad by saying no. And no I can’t tell them I’m not comfortable because they’d be horrible to me about it. I don’t know what to do. Any advice?

回答 (4)

2018-01-17 9:18 am
"And no I can't tell them I'm not comfortable because they'd be horrible to me about it". The only question after reading this is why the hell are you friends with these people? The fact that you can't even share such a small issue you have with them is not normal. If this were me and my friends, it wouldn't even be an issue because I'd just explain the situation and they'd find a way to fix it. I don't understand why they'd be horrible considering the obvious solution is for the girl that's driving to pick you up too. Honestly, you shouldn't even care if it ends up in an argument because people like that aren't even worth being friends with. Don't let people treat you this way. This is causing you unnecessary stress and anxiety when it should be a nice thing to go out with friends for a meal. Just have a back bone and tell them the truth and if they're horrible to you about it tell them to go **** themselves. And I'm being serious. Life is too short to be worrying about stupid stuff like this or being friends with people that would make you feel this way.
2018-01-17 9:14 am
1 don't go and tell your friends why
2 go and just stick it out
3 call an uber or taxi
2018-01-17 9:05 am
Call a taxi or uber
2018-01-17 9:04 am
You need to decide on your priorities. Are your friends worth a bit of inconvenience with driving and parking? Or take a taxi.

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