Do art dealers/buyers really look online for art?

2018-01-17 4:54 am

Let's just refer to actual dealers.

回答 (3)

2018-01-17 5:59 am
That depends on how you define art.

I've bought art prints online, framed and unframed, on paper and on canvas. I'm looking at one now, recently bought from Does that make me an art buyer? Then I guess we do look online.

But art dealers and people seeking original works of art they will both enjoy and expect to increase in value don't mess with online artists. They want people good enough to get gallery shows in major art cities like New York, Los Angeles, Paris, or London. They're not seeking the next Society6 artist but the next Picasso.
2018-01-17 5:02 am
I do, but only for research.
2018-01-17 5:13 am
do you really think they do I assume you are an artist art sells itself pictures you sell

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