If American society removed sports and entertainment what positive contributions to society would black Americans make?

2018-01-16 9:13 pm

回答 (11)

2018-01-16 9:15 pm
Medicine, science, technology, agriculture, art, architecture, politics,......
2018-01-16 11:10 pm
Oh, you ARE joking, right? Do you HONESTLY think that is all black Americans do, work in the sports or entertainment industries? Hate to break it to you, but Blacks are in Every industry, including teaching, medical, research of all kinds, finance, real estate, and the list goes on and on.
2018-01-16 9:37 pm
you mean like the guy that invented the traffic light, or the one that developed blood transfusions. Do you like potato chips, yup, develpoed by a Black person. Home security systems, yup, a Black lady invented that. Did you ever have a supersoaker, also developed by a Black man. Do you ever use Shockwave, a Black woman is responsibke for that
How about fiber optic cables (Shirley Jackson)
Lweis Latimer helped Thomas Edison develop the electric light
The gas mask (Garrett Morgan)

George Washington Carver developed soaps, dyes, stains and many other products
a Black man revolutionized the paint industry
not to forget many African American judges lawyers and lawmakers as well as a President of the USA
and this is just from a few quick google searches. There are many more achievement s made by African Americans

Really, you should get past those racist ideas you have about Black people and realize that all people are capable of all sorts of achievements
2018-01-16 9:23 pm
I love questions like these......

Reveals the inherent superior complex of some......

I can ask this about Asians, hispanics, arabs, and even whites......

But yet you think its your place to ask what others contribute:

Blacks shed more blood, tears, and sweat for the betterment of AMerica than any other american culture.......

Rightly or wrongly..

We are the ones who always put country countrymen before culture.

Not the jews, not the muslims, and not the latinos.

Blacks do this to a fault........
2018-01-16 9:16 pm
During riots, Black Americans help stores clear out unsold inventories of flat screen TV monitors.
2018-01-17 1:39 am
2018-01-16 9:39 pm
They would continue to give underachieving degenerates something to complain about. Because talking s*** is a lot easier than self-improvement.
2018-01-16 9:34 pm
There are many blacks who work hard, value family, and contribute positive things to society. Why must you categorize all of them as negative? What about individuals?
2018-01-16 9:22 pm
Some people think that making lots of money through drugs and violence are positive things.
2018-01-16 9:30 pm
Blacks contribute openly in many areas of society. They strive each and everyday
to see that other Americans have Job Security. To look at just sports and or
entertainment is somewhat shallow. There are positive inputs given by the black
community to society. They contribute greatly to the 4. 6. 10. 11. o'clock news
reports. Keeping others in the community informed as to public activity.

So as far as your statement is concerned. I respectfully have to disagree.
2018-01-16 9:16 pm
well, they could still draw bigots out of the woodwork...

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