At Scorpio men hard to read at times?

2018-01-15 10:51 am

回答 (6)

2018-01-15 10:52 am
Yes I'm Scorpio and I confuse poeple all the time. I'll be bored they think I'm mad ,I be tiered and they think I'm in pain, nevous they think I'm happy lol
2018-01-15 11:00 am
Yes, Scorpio men are hard to read and they are also cheaters, players, liars.
2018-01-15 11:00 am
2018-01-18 1:55 pm
Don't even waste your time in trying to read Scorpios. Act a little indifferent and ignorant so that they expose themselves.
參考: Sixth Sense
2018-01-16 3:57 am
Yes alot
2018-01-16 12:38 am
Astrology is fake.
2018-01-15 1:19 pm

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