想請問以下英文怎麼說 「因為離開那天行李很多 必須走到herbis 搭利木津巴士 想請問飯店有人可以幫忙我們搬行李到 Herbis嗎 謝謝」 謝謝解答?

2018-01-15 1:35 am

回答 (4)

2018-01-15 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because I have to walk carrying a ton of luggage to the Herbis Station to take the bus on the checking out date, are there any staff in the hotel could help move my luggage to the station. Thanks.
2018-01-15 10:20 am
We have to walk to Herbis and take the airport limousine bus. Because there are lot of our luggages,would you pick them up to Herbis?
Thanks for your consideration.
2018-01-16 8:11 pm
Because a lot of luggage left that day must go to the herbis Leo Mizuhide Bus Would like to ask the hotel someone can help us to luggage to Herbis? Thank you
2018-01-15 10:40 am
As I want to catch the bus at Herbis Station, but I have lots of luggage to be carried; so that I would like to ask somebody in the restaurant for help. Yip

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