Will a cancerian woman ever leave someone they care about a lot?

2018-01-14 6:47 pm
We had a bit of quarrels and misunderstandings which led to our unstable relationship. She says that there is a special bond between us, not just normal friendship nor romantic (I guess it's bffs? But she got this feeling when we met for the first time so I couldn't comprehend). She falls in love (as a friend to me) too fast but I am very slow-paced.

<<<Also, what we're expecting of each other are different but we still can't figure out each other.>>>

She's less eager to show her affection right now but subtly hints that she will wait. I think she feels quite hopeless for this relationship but is desperate for my return. Tbh, I never intend to leave her but it's just that I'm not giving what she wants and also she victimises herself.
1) Is she doing this because she wants everyone who she cares about to love her?

I think I know what she wants now (new ideas, 2) affected by aquarius moon?), but it takes time.
3) Will she be willing to wait forever because I said I won't leave her unless she does first but I'm not sure whether she remembers what I've told her (because I typed her very long messages)?

She has a sun in cancer, moon in aquarius, mars in taurus, mercury in cancer, venus in leo.
I have a sun in libra, moon in cancer, mars in virgo, mercury in scorpio, venus in libra.

4) Btw, I heard that aquarius moon leo venus ppl can emotionally detach fast but keep coming back for that person like a bad habit. Is that true?

回答 (5)

2018-01-15 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh just stop lying to yourself. Honesty is the first step to clarification and after the birth-day, real life on planet Earth is the beginning of your journey. This includes the early environment and the people in the environment contribute to your developing psychological makeup.You both sound like co-dependent personality types. That is why she latched on to you and you want to fix her.
參考: Cancer Stellium
2018-01-14 8:28 pm
My ex was cancer and he was unemotional jerk and did not cared about me at all, Astrology is fake. I being an Aquarius I really cared about that guy though my sign is considered to be unemotional and aloof .
2018-01-14 6:56 pm
Think any group ever did actual research on astrology stereotypes? Even at a minimum level? Too much work and who would finance such a task? Especially when making it up is easier and more likely option. Believers don’t question for sources and obviously you don’t want a serious answer. That would mean paying a professional astrologer. But you’ll accept any free answer from the entertainment section.
2018-01-15 1:36 am
Astrology is fake.
2018-01-17 5:05 am

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