Are you shy or confident?

2018-01-14 2:12 am
I am shy and I am afraid to dance in front of people. The reason is because I feel like all eyes are on me and I am being watched. It feels so uncomfortable. I am also afraid to perform, give a speech, and a presentation in front of multitudes or even a small number of people. I have stage fright so my body trembles uncontrollably, I have butterflies in my stomach, I feel dizzy, I have rapid breathing, and my heart beats very fast. And because of this I make up excuses to hide in the restroom. I don't have confidence or courage. If only there was a way I could conquer my shyness and stage fright. What would be the audience's reaction? What if they criticize me or make fun of me? I don't want to make a mistake or make a fool of myself.

回答 (9)

2018-01-14 3:40 am
This again?
2018-01-14 3:45 am
2018-01-14 3:25 am
2018-01-14 3:04 am
Shy, in every way
2018-01-14 2:59 am
I am Shy i have struggled in some awkward social situations and have been scared to dance in front of people all my life and presenting a project at school in front of a class was hell i would have confidence when i practice it the night before but the next day i would just mumble my way through it i was so scared every school project. But when i was 15 i was diagnosed with aspergers which helped because i knew why i always felt this way.
2018-01-14 2:53 am
2018-01-14 2:30 am
2018-01-14 2:23 am
2018-01-14 2:17 am
I'm shy

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