What to do during an 11 hour shift?

2018-01-13 9:38 pm
I work at a car dealership as a receptionist. The work is very repetitive and somewhat boring. Saturdays (today) are my 11 hour shift. I'm not allowed any breaks (no, before you ask, it is not illegal in Georgia...) and I cant leave my desk for more than a brief bathroom break. Any suggestions on how I can keep occupied all day? Also I experience quite a bit of back pain due to sitting at the desk all day, any advice on that would be appreciated as well! :) Thanks, hope everyone's having a great day!

回答 (19)

2018-01-14 12:27 am
Do you have a computer? Educate yourself on the cars that are sold there.
2018-01-14 2:18 am
Find a new job. There is nothing more disabling than a job in purgatory.
Whatever they're paying you, it's never going to be so much you can't find a better job. Stay out of retail. And look for a combination of work and taking courses, so you can qualify for something better- fast. The building trades are starving for workers, and pay well- and have unions.
2018-01-13 11:58 pm
Every hour, get up, walk around the desk and around the room. Bend over, touch your toes and stretch a bit. If you need a more comfortable chair, ask for one or, buy a gel cushion to put on it. As for keeping occupied, you aren't supposed to be doing anything except your job. If some of the time there is nothing to do, straighten your desk, organize the things on it, in the drawers. If all is well, tell your manager and ask if there is something he can think of that needs doing that you can do when you are not answering phones. In other words, let him know that you have nothing to do some of the time so that he can find something to keep you busy. If you start doing your own thing - personal things, you will likely be fired so I do not recommend that.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2018-01-15 4:00 am
I wish i had a job where i could sit for 11 hours... Lets trade... You stand in 1 spot for 11 hours and I'll sit at a desk...
參考: My feet hurt
2018-01-15 3:08 am
Grab a set keys every two hours and take one of the cars for a ride.
2018-01-14 11:15 am
Uh..11 hours! Non stop OMG your back will be ruined I know mine would talking about tension in the spine.I will DEFINETLY SAY STUDY get a degree with all that time you have you should be going to school during the week and STUDY on weekends.Dint learn the hard way dealerships are never ending I know I am starting to make changes find a career not a JOB.I want to go into a career with actual set median north of 100 grand a year it takes 2 years to school it’s in the green field (energy)!
2018-01-13 11:56 pm
maybe a cushion or two for the chair you sit in will alleviate your back discomfort. As to boredom, ASK THE BOSS if you can have a radio or newspaper for times when there is noting to do or if there is other work you can do instead of just sitting there.
2018-01-15 9:24 am
nothing stopping you from getting up and walking around the room and to me I think you have to be wrong about breaks. 11 without a 30 minute lunch break or 15 minute breaks every 4 hours? this sounds really odd to me. I would be making a cup of tea eating a smack quite often.
2018-01-15 8:02 am
At least stand up every hour or so and stretch. Sitting so long is bad for you.
2018-01-15 1:45 am
They can work you 12 hours. That is Federal law. But after 8hours they can not force you to stay awake on the job. So take a nap. These laws go back to WW2 & war production is were to look.
2018-01-14 9:21 am
Work or sleep
2018-01-14 6:06 am
Every hour get up and go do something. Take a bathroom break, get a cup of coffee, take a lap around the office. Get up and walk. This will help your back pain.
Bring some things to keep you occupied, but still alert. Try a sudoku book, or an adult coloring book. This will Keep your mind busy but also won't fully engage you to the point of you ignoring people if they walk in.
2018-01-14 4:19 am
Apply for a fast food job. If you have to ask this question, this IS NOT the job for you.
2018-01-14 1:34 am
My advice on the back pain is getting a different job.

My suggestion on what to do all day is play games on the computer or your phone or read a book. Or take college classes online so that you can get a better job.
2018-01-14 12:11 am
During that 11 hour shift during inactive times find a community college where you can start taking classes to eventually get a 4 year degree. If that seems too difficult then you should consider that will almost certainly make the rest of your life much better and much more interesting jobs will be available to you.
2018-01-13 9:55 pm
2018-01-13 9:49 pm
Download Minecraft whilst doing Yoga. That will help boredom and back pain at the same time.
2018-01-13 9:54 pm
2018-01-13 10:05 pm
Watch porn during break

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