I'm a born again evangelical, so I do believe in the political process. Is anyone else of evangelical nature getting TIRED of Trump?

2018-01-12 1:21 pm
I can't stand his mouth, I can't stand his tweets, He's a FOOL The Hebrew word nâbâl (naw-BAWL), which means “stupid, wicked,” identifies this type of person. Elsewhere in the Old Testament, nâbâl also is translated as vile person. He has a vile mind. He's not a leader.

JW's you don't believe in the process so Hannah J. can take off on this one.

回答 (9)

2018-01-12 1:36 pm
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Everyone, regardless of theistic bent, who is even remotely intelligent, is tired of Trump.
2018-01-12 2:42 pm
I feel like this is something everyone should come together about? All religions, atheists, whoever... You are right.
2018-01-12 1:44 pm
I support Benjamin Netanyahu, and he likes Trump. So I'm willing to give Trump a chance. Trump kind of reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar after he allied himself with his Jewish advisers. He was still a pompous, angry, arrogant man whose main goal was to build an empire, but he began to really grow as a person after he befriended Daniel and his friends. And God still had to knock him down a couple pegs, but he learned. He may have been a slow learner, but he got there eventually.
2018-01-12 9:30 pm
If you followed Jesus you would consider the blasphemy of Clinton. I LOVE Trump because he is not C.
2018-01-12 1:31 pm

Even in just the first month, after Trump came up with his refugee ban, 500 evangelical pastors, writers and such took a full page ad against that early un-Christian policy.

Including some names many know, like Max Lucado and Tim Keller.

I don't think its possible any longer for even most that wanted to support him to try to suggest Trump is somehow the Christian choice to vote for, now that so many unchristian statements from him are out there.
2018-01-12 1:27 pm
It's the inherent problem with democracy - if you have enough stupid people in your country, they'll elect any dope who offers them free beer.
2018-01-12 1:56 pm
Whatever Trump may or may not be be he upsets those who refuse to live in reality.

You know, the swamp he referred to.

Take care that you are not part of that, eh?

If you are born again, how come you are minding worldly things and making worldly judgements instead of minding spiritual things, the things above?

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
2018-01-12 10:01 pm
Homeland Security is having to put more and more time and resources into tracking christians who seek to tear up the constitution, destroy democracy and foment a second civil war to install a Christian dictatorship!

A chilling warning was issued to US police forces about the threat of a rise in violent right wing and Christian extremist groups!

Seems these people are not just a bigger threat to American freedoms than external terrorists but completely anti American!

If you are so UNCHRISTIAN and UNAMERICAN you cannot stand living in a democracy with all it’s hard won freedoms, Constitution and human rights why have you not emigrated to North Korea?!

Thankfully Federal Law bars people like yourself with extremist religious views from the military and several Federal jobs and any form of security clearance!

The National Security Agency monitors this sight so hopefully they will by now have passed your details to Homeland Security, the Secret Service and other security and police agencies!
2018-01-12 1:46 pm
"JW's you don't believe in the [political] process."

Neither did Jesus, as he made abundantly clear at John 17:14,16:

"I have given your word to them [his disciples], but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world....16 They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world."

Why did Jesus say that? Because of what he stated at John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11 and 18:36, the latter verse which reads,

"Jesus answered: “My Kingdom is no part of this world. If my Kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.”

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