Has the belief in God made you a better person?

2018-01-11 4:56 am
I assume a religious person would say that it should do if they keep to the "rules" of that particular religion, but has it for you?

回答 (17)

2018-01-11 6:45 pm
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No. I was raised a fundamentalist Christian, but lost all belief in religion in my teens. Clearly there are some people who find that religion helps them make sense of the world and their lives, and to live well. But conversely, there are many who use it to justify prejudice and intolerance. The same range of personalities and attitudes can be found amongst agnostics and atheists too. Whatever your beliefs about religion, politics or anything else, the responsibility lies with you as an individual to find a way to live well, and to treat others with compassion and kindness. You can't shift that burden onto any god or guru, and you wont find anything in science either that tells you how to behave. Done right religion and science can both help inform your choices, but only you can make those choices.
2018-01-11 5:01 am
One thing is to believe in God, another thing is faith!

Faith is a certainty, it is God's gift to all those who ask him in prayer!

Here, there is no religion that holds, apart from the fact that there is only one religion, one faith, one God!
2018-01-11 5:00 am
I am no longer who I was (evil).....I am a new creation in Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

It is true.....

By faith there is always hope in Jesus Christ for those who will repent of their evil ways
and believe in Jesus Christ, John 3:16-18, receiving the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
2018-01-11 4:58 am
Yes, it did help me greatly
2018-01-11 5:40 am
When I was a Christian, I thought that
killing gay people and
witches and
people who did not go to church on Sunday and
inconsiderate children

was the job of all of us.
"Thank God" I am no longer a Christian.
2018-01-11 7:41 am
Yes, it has. It sensitized me to the feelings and needs of others.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2018-01-11 5:01 am
Trusting God brings peace.
2018-01-11 5:33 am
Yes. God changes my life
2018-01-11 5:21 am
The fact of the matter: I have always believed in God, but i always never did the right things in God eyes, only when God took me out of the kingdom of Satan and put me into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ and made me a new creature of God, by giving me a brand new soul, so I never want to sin against God Holy Word the Bible, never again, then I became peace with God, because before I was truly saved, I was at war with God, just like all of the unsaved of the world, that is why they mock and scoff at God Holy Word the Bible, and love the things of this world, because their master is Satan who is the enemy of God, and they will do the will of their master who is Satan, even though they think they are doing the will of their self, NO, you either do the will of God or the will of Satan one or the other, their is no in between.
參考: King James Holy Bible
2018-01-11 5:00 am
YES I EVEN FORGAVE my brothers who wronged me and it was not easy but Im glad I did it.
2018-01-11 4:58 am
A religious person will usually not say that. They will say that the rules are the preamble and nothing more. You are a better (moral, upright) person for a goal : to live the Christian Life
2018-01-11 6:36 am
In a simple word yes why I was stupid enough to become an atheist when I was in my 20s and I lost every single thing that I owned going by their philosophies mercifully got accepted me back and since then I have had a 100% turn around in my life I would have to say yes God makes me a better person
2018-01-11 5:41 am
Yes, but not because my focus is "keeping the rules".
That just leads to a Law based conformity ... what the Pharisees were.

Walking with God makes a person a better person.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
- Micah 6:8
2018-01-11 5:27 am
it has kept me from being as I was before my Salvation........ it has not made me perfect.... no True Christian would make any claim to perfection in this life....... even after 18 years I remain one of God's problem children.... sometime the walk with God can be two steps forward... one step back.... but over all.... it is a progression
2018-01-11 5:16 am
don't you mean god's
2018-01-11 5:11 am
Traitors to God and the founders of the republic live today, because I do follow God, even thought I do hold 12.44 Kg of 8,9 di hydro isojervine alpha nol. You might want to check its biological activity.
2018-01-11 4:59 am
Not belief in God as such, no, but commitment to Christ has, I hope, helped.

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