What does it mean to dream of Jesus preaching?

2018-01-11 2:11 am
I had a dream that Jesus was preaching around all these people. We were all listening and I could see him and hear him clearly. Usually I always remember what I dream about but when I woke up, everything he was saying to us went blank. I couldn't remember what he was telling us but in my dream I knew it was something he wanted us to know. What does this mean?

回答 (2)

2018-01-11 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
My guess is you think you forgot because what Jesus said to you is already laid out well in the New Testament, and it all kind of got bundled together in your dream. So in truth you do know what Jesus was saying, just not the specifics of his gentle speech, or the smile on his face, or the look in his eyes. Read the Gospel and some of it will come back to you.
2018-01-11 9:51 am
You might have a belief or interest in Christianity

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