How can you feel the change after a one year for Trump in presidency. Do you actually feel the change? Because I don’t feel it??

2018-01-10 7:25 am

回答 (17)

2018-01-10 7:33 am
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my company manufactures products that directly relate to the energy, mining, manufacturing and agricultural segments.... we are coming off our best year in over a decade...

...based on the number of large inquiries we are getting and committed long-term orders, my sense is that those who actually work and produce are ignoring the made-for-tv drama and feeling pretty confident again...

oh wait.... were you talking about reality..... or just "feelings?"
2018-01-10 7:26 am
Things are definitely worse.
2018-01-10 7:25 am
well things are Worse
2018-01-10 7:30 am
Lone Star Patriot and StephenG are correct it is getting worse for the Democrat Party Elite every day, and many of them face prison due to Trump winning the 2016 election.
2018-01-10 7:44 am
Yes!! My 401K has kicked up by 30%.
2018-01-10 7:40 am
Better than the last 8 years
2018-01-10 7:31 am
That's one of the signs of being a democrat
2018-01-10 7:37 am
Embarrassment and nausea...That is what I am feeling.
2018-01-10 7:30 am
Because you don't work.
2018-01-10 7:31 am
It's like coming off a bad hangover ....dumbama
Then being told a hurricane will hit but doesnt.....killary
2018-01-10 7:40 am
My 401k has done great because big business expects to save money by polluting the air and water.
2018-01-10 7:36 am
How can you feel the change after a one year for Trump in presidency. Do you actually feel the change? Because I don’t feel it??
Before Trump, was apolitical and took no interest in what happened with the government. For it was "business as usual" and boring.
Now I look on in utter shock and awe as I closely observe the depravity of the current administration. It consumes much of my life, being concerned what will happen to our democracy and our great nation.
2018-01-10 10:09 am
Most transparent presidency I've ever seen. But he should know who his enemies are within his staff and apparently there are many there and get rid of them and stop being so open with the press.
2018-01-10 10:04 am
Yes. I have fewer aches and pains because my increase in pay (due to a booming economy) means I get more rest and relaxation. When the tax-cuts kick in, I anticipate even MORE time for myself and my family.

Obama’s policies were breaking people’s backs—both literally AND figuratively!
2018-01-10 7:52 am
It will take a while for his attacks on intelligence and the environment to show...and it will take far longer for them to be corrected
2018-01-10 7:50 am
i feel it, everything's getting worse and our democracy is being threatened, vote democratic in 2018!!!
2018-01-10 7:40 am
Trump is business as usual.

“When I’m president I won’t have time to play golf...

Just kidding... let’s play golf.”

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