Need help with chemistry assignment?

2018-01-09 9:58 pm
30g of Copper(II) sulfate(CuSO4·5H2O) was added to 150g of water.
1)Calculate the amount of Copper(II) sulfate moles in the 30grams of it.
2)Calculate the percentage of Copper(II)sulfate in the solution.
3)8,8grams of solid sodium sulfide was added to the solution. How many grams of precipitate was made?

Need help with this assignment asap! It would also be appreciated if the process was explained

回答 (1)

2018-01-09 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Molar mass of CuSO₄•5H₂O = (63.5 + 32.1 + 16.0×9 + 1.0×10) g/mol = 249.6 g/mol
No. of moles of 30 g of CuSO₄•5H₂O = (30 g) / (249.6 g/mol) = 0.12 mol

Percentage by mass of CuSO₄•5H₂O in the solution = [30/(30 + 150)] × 100(%) = 16.7%

Molar mass of Na₂S = (23.0×2 + 32.1) g/mol = 78.1 g/mol
Initial number of moles of Na₂S = (8.8 g) / (78.1 g/mol) = 0.113 mol
Initial number of moles of CuSO₄ = Initial number of moles of CuSO₄•5H₂O = 0.12 mol

Solid Na₂S dissolves in water and then undergoes precipitate with CuSO₄.
Equation for the precipitation reaction :
CuSO₄(aq) + Na₂S(aq) → CuS(s) + Na₂SO₄(aq)
Mole ratio CuSO₄ : Na₂S : CuS = 1 : 1

When 0.113 mole of Na₂S completely reacts, CuSO₄ needed = 0.113 mol < 0.12 mol
Hence, 0.113 mole of Na₂S completely reacts, and CuSO₄ is in excess.

No. of moles of Na₂S reacted = 0.113 mol
No. of moles of CuS precipitate made = 0.113 mol

Molar mass of CuS = (63.5 + 32.1) g/mol = 95.6 g/mol
Mass of CuS precipitate made = (0.113mol) × (95.6 g/mol) = 10.8 g

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