How strong is stomach acid?

2018-01-09 4:37 pm

回答 (9)

2018-01-09 5:36 pm
The stomach acid is about 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, which is a strong acid. The pH of the stomach acid is about 1.
2018-01-11 3:38 am
It’s very very acid. If you take that acid and put it in your palm you will get severe burns
2018-01-09 7:31 pm
Stomach acid is a very strong acid - hydrochloric acid which dissociates completely.
If you want the concentration of HCl in stomach acid: This is +/- 0.1M
The pH of stomach acid is +/- 1.0
2018-01-09 5:48 pm
HCl--------1~2pH value
2018-01-09 4:47 pm
stomach acid is powerful for our food.
2018-01-09 4:37 pm
Extremely, it's hydrochloric acid.
2018-01-09 7:23 pm
It varies, but can go as low as 1.5 pH, which is pretty intense. It doesn't eat your stomach because the stomach lining secretes a protective layer of mucus.
2018-01-10 10:57 am
Not that strong cuz I always find some undigested corn in my pooop.
2018-01-09 4:42 pm
Have you ever seen aliens?

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