How did our country become so terrible?

2018-01-08 10:44 am

回答 (23)

2018-01-08 1:14 pm

My country (Australia) is quite well thank you . Economy is reasonably good and we just won the Ashes 4-0
2018-01-08 11:27 am
If you are referring to the United States, the election of Donald Trump has severely divided the country.
2018-01-09 12:26 am
Which country?
2018-01-10 4:09 am
3 % rise in GDP
Biggest DOW on record
Biggest Black Friday on record
4% increase in holiday spending
Unemployment the lowest in 40 years.

But you did not get all the toys you wanted for Christmas so you are upset about the country being so bad?
2018-01-09 12:47 am
I would assume the questioner is either American or British. If so, ask yourself, if either country is so terrible, how come so many are trying to get in?
2018-01-09 6:24 pm
Which country is your country? There are 196 countries in the world, your question could have come from any of them.
2018-01-08 7:55 pm
No idea of your country, mine which is a great place to live.
2018-01-08 11:30 pm
The majority doesn't rule.
2018-01-10 1:20 am
The drug war caused it.
2018-01-09 2:11 am
If you means the United States, it has become terrible since Trump became the President
參考: Not a liberal, but, the Governments of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and JFK were the best ones in American history, even George W. Bush was a Better President than Trump is being right now

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:03:10
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