2018-01-08 3:27 am
X-rays with a wavelength of 1.16 Å scatter at an angle of 12.5 ∘ from a crystal.
If n=1, what is the distance between planes of atoms in the crystal that give rise to this scattering?

回答 (1)

2018-01-08 9:36 am
Wavelength, λ = 1.16 Å
Scattering angle, θ = 12.5°
n = 1

Bragg's Law: n λ = 2 d sinθ
Distance between planes of atoms, d = (n λ)/ (2 sinθ) = (1 × 1.16) / (2 sin12.5°) Å = 2.68 Å

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:04:04
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