A 100 kg box is set into motion down a rough incline from rest. A constant horizontal force F = 20 N.?

2018-01-07 10:59 pm

A 100 kg box is set into motion down a rough incline from rest. A constant horizontal force F = 20 N. If the box slides down a distance of 5 m, how much work done by the applied force F?

回答 (1)

2018-01-08 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
The component of F along the plane and the motion are opposite in direction.
Hence, F = 20 N and s = -5 m

Work done by the applied force, F
= F s cosθ
= 20 × (-5) × cos30.0° J
= -87 J

The answer: d. -87J

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