what process changes the colour of a halide-cyclohexane from orange to violet?

2018-01-07 9:34 pm
A. Cl- added to a solution of Br2
B. Br- added to a solution of Cl2
C. Br- added to a solution of I2
D. I- added to a solution of Br2

回答 (2)

2018-01-07 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The color of the cyclohexane layer is due to the halogen dissolved in it. The solution of bromine in cyclohexane is orange, while that of iodine is violet.

The change of color from orange to violet is due to the conversion of bromine to iodine. A possible reaction is :
Br₂ + 2I⁻ → 2Br⁻ + I₂

The above reaction occurs when I⁻ is added to a solution of Br₂.

The answer: D. I⁻ added to a solution of Br₂.
2018-01-07 9:35 pm

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