Im double checking my answer to a chemistry question, Ill but the question itself on details?

2018-01-07 7:08 pm
Nitrochalk is a widely used fertiliser, which contains a mixture if ammonium notrate and calcium carbonate. A student tried to determine the percentage by mass of nitrogen in Nitrochalk by carrying out the following experiment

2.00g of nitrochalk was heated with 25.0cm^3 of 2.00mol/dm NaOH (excess) until no more ammonia gas was produced. The mixture was filtered to remove calcium carbonate. The filtrate was then made up to 250cm^3 by adding deionised water and 25.0cm^3 portions were titrated against 0.100mol/dm^3HCl. 30.0cm^3 of the acid was required to neautralis the NaOH left over

Thanks for the responses. I feel more confident about my answer now.

回答 (2)

2018-01-07 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the question, ammonium nitrate in Nitrochalk reacts with NaOH to give ammonia gas, but calcium carbonate does not. The excess NaOH in 25 cm³ portion (total 250 cm³) is titrated against HCl.

Consider the titration of excess NaOH in 25 cm³-portion against HCl.
NaOH + HCl → NaCl+ H₂O
Mole ratio NaOH : HCl = 1 : 1

No. of moles of HCl reacted = (0.100 mol/dm³) × (30.0/1000 dm³) = 0.003 mol
No. of moles of excess NaOH in the 25.0 cm³ portion = 0.003 mol
No. of moles of excess NaOH in 250 cm³ portion = (0.003 mol) × (250/25.0) = 0.03 mol

Total number of moles of NaOH used = (2.00 mol/dm³) × (25.0/1000 dm³) = 0.05 mol
No. of moles of NaOH reacted with NH₄NO₃ = (0.05 - 0.03) mol = 0.02 mol

Consider the reaction between NaOH and NH₄NO₃ in the nitrochalk :
NH₄NO₃ + NaOH → NaNO₃ + NH₃ + H₂O
Mole ratio NH₄NO₃ : NaOH = 1 : 1

No. of moles of NaOH reacted with NH₄NO₃ = 0.02 mol
No. of moles of NH₄NO₃ in Nitrochalk = 0.02 mol

Each mole of NH₄NO₃ contains 2 moles of N.
No. of moles of N in Nitrochalk = (0.02 mol) × 2 = 0.04 mol

Molar mass of N = 14.0 g/mol
Mass of NH₄NO₃ in Nitrochalk = (0.04 mol) × (14.0 g/mol) = 0.56 g

% by mass of N in Nitrochalk = (0.56/2.00) × 100(%) = 28.0(%)
2018-01-07 8:21 pm
Calculate mol NaOH used in reaction
Mol NaOH in 25.0cm³ of 2.00mol/dm³ solution = 25/1000*2.00 = 0.05 mol NaOH

Calculate mol of NaOH unreacted:
NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
Mol HCl in 30.0cm³ of 0.100mol/dm³ solution = 30/1000*0.100 = 0.003 mol NaOH unreacted in the 25.0cm³
Total mol NaOH unreacted in the 250cm³ volume = 0.003*250/25 = 0.03 mol

Mol NaOH used to react with the NH4NO3 = 0.05 0.05 = 0.02 mol
Balanced equation:
NH4NO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) = NH3(g) + NaNO3(aq) + H2O(l)
1mol NH4NO3 reacts with 1 mol NaOH
Mol NH4NO3 present in sample = 0.02 mol
1mol NH4NO3 contains 2 mol N
0.02 mol NH4NO3 contains 0.04 mol N
Molar mass N = 14g/mol
Mass of 0.04 mol N = 0.04*14 = 0.56g N
% N = 0.56g/2.00g *100 = 28% N in Nitrochalk.
Does this answer seem correct?
Here is a paste from a description of ICI Nitrochalk:
The finished product is an easy and pleasant to handle pellet containing 26% nitrogen, half in the ammonical form and half as nitrate, which has nitrogen immediately available and some in reserve.
Seems OK

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