1 PETER 1:13, ATHEISTS YOU CAN TAKE A BREAK ON THIS ONE,IT'S OVER YOUR HEAD. "When Jesus Christ is revealed, what does it mean?

2018-01-07 12:10 am

回答 (14)

2018-01-07 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Peter wasn't addressing a future revelation of the Christ, but the response of Christians when they first learned and accepted that salvation would be through Jesus Christ.

In the verses leading up to verse 13 Peter makes the point that they have faith in Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls—something that the prophets of old and even the angels were intensely interested in.

(1 Peter 1:12) 12 It was revealed to them that they were ministering, not to themselves, but to you, regarding what has now been announced to you by those who declared the good news to you with holy spirit sent from heaven. Into these very things, angels are desiring to peer.

Hence, they should brace up their minds for activity. Verse 13 uses the expression "brace up your minds for activity". The literal words was "grid up the loins of your mind". When someone prepared to work, they would take the material of their clothing, wrap it in such a fashion it would not hinder their work.

Since this is due, not to the final revelation of the Christ as described at Revelation 19, but because of their accepting the means of salvation that comes through his sacrifice, they would do the work that Jesus commanded at Matthew 28.

The rest of that 1st chapter highlights the activity of those who have become followers of Jesus Christ. Verse 21 says the following:

(1 Peter 1:21) 21 Through him you are believers in God, the one who raised him up from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope might be in God.
2018-01-07 12:47 am
Don't think for yourself, wow I was worried that that was over my head.

Turned out I was afraid for no reason.
2018-01-07 12:19 am
...and why would atheists be excluded from answering? Do you think that we don't have classical religious training?
2018-01-07 12:12 am
I am glad you're excluding tge atheists on this one.

It means when His Son comes at Judgement when we are in end times. The righteous shall be chosen!
2018-01-07 12:19 am
I think you are confusing the phrase "over your head" with "beneath contempt"

If you hadn't bothered with the snark towards atheists, I wouldn't have bothered answering you

And it means Jesus' return would signal Judgment Day
2018-01-07 12:41 am
It is telling us to teach ourselves, make preparations for Jesus' return; to Not to commit sins!
2018-01-07 12:19 am
code for flash
2018-01-07 2:54 am
Thanks for all input, sorry atheists, but I have found you to be ignorant and unwilling to understand things that only God can fully reveal, so thus I don't hold to your opinion very much, I lump you in with the biblical purists that hold to tight doctrines, you're all in the same mix to me.
2018-01-07 12:38 am
Rev. 22:12-15, “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

"Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are perverts and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie."
2018-01-07 12:32 am
1 Peter 1:13-23

Here the apostle begins his exhortations to those whose glorious state he had before described, thereby instructing us that Christianity is a doctrine according to godliness, designed to make us not only wiser, but better.

I. He exhorts them to sobriety and holiness.

1. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, &c., v. 13. As if he had said, "Wherefore, since you are so honoured and distinguished, as above, Gird up the loins of your mind. You have a journey to go, a race to run, a warfare to accomplish, and a great work to do; as the traveller, the racer, the warrior, and the labourer, gather in, and gird up, their long and loose garments, that they may be more ready, prompt, and expeditious in their business, so do you by your minds, your inner man, and affections seated there: gird them, gather them in, let them not hang loose and neglected about you; restrain their extravagances, and let the loins or strength and vigour of your minds be exerted in your duty; disengage yourselves from all that would hinder you, and go on resolutely in your obedience. Be sober, be vigilant against all your spiritual dangers and enemies, and be temperate and modest in eating, drinking, apparel, recreation, business, and in the whole of your behaviour. Be sober-mined also in opinion, as well as in practice, and humble in your judgment of yourselves." And hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Some refer this to the last judgment, as if the apostle directed their hope to the final revelation of Jesus Christ; but it seems more natural to take it, as it might be rendered, "Hope perfectly, or thoroughly, for the grace that is brought to you in or by the revelation of Jesus Christ; that is, by the gospel, which brings life and immortality to light. Hope perfectly, trust without doubting to that grace which is now offered to you by the gospel." Learn, (1.) The main work of a Christian lies in the right management of his heart and mind; the apostle's first direction is to gird up the loins of the mind. (2.) The best Christians have need to be exhorted to sobriety. These excellent Christians are put in mind of it; it is required of a bishop (1 Tim 3:2), of aged men (Titus 2:2), the young women are to be taught it, and the young men are directed to be sober-minded, Titus 2:4,6. (3.) A Christian's work is not over as soon as he has got into a state of grace; he must still hope and strive for more grace. When he has entered the strait gate, he must still walk in the narrow way, and gird up the loins of his mind for that purpose. (4.) A strong and perfect trust in God's grace is very consistent with our best endeavours in our duty; we must hope perfectly, and yet gird up our loins, and address ourselves vigorously to the work we have to do, encouraging ourselves from the grace of Jesus Christ. <t><
2018-01-07 12:26 am
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. KJV.

Therefore prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. NASB.

It means when you have accepted Jesus in your heart, I believe.
2018-01-07 12:23 am
Right now our faith resides in hope of the salvation of Jesus Christ. The promise. This verse is telling us to be strong until the day we see the promise fulfilled and we are with the Father
2018-01-07 12:22 am
The revelation of Christ is His equality with God?

“The grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” At the time when the Lord Jesus comes to take the church out of the world, He will bring plenty of grace with Him. By His grace, He will take out every believer. And each believer's works are to be judged at Christ's judgment seat (Bema Seat). At that time we will either suffer loss or receive a reward—and that certainly will be by His grace!

The fact that we will be judged someday is another incentive to endure the trials of this world. How we live down here upon this earth is very important. Today believers are confronted with the demand to lead transformed lives which only the Word of God can produce in us. One of the reasons God lets us go through trials and troubles is because He wants to fashion us according to His plan. We are to yield to Him in all our tribulations." (Vernon McGee).
2018-01-07 12:41 am
A question mention and insult atheist so they should not be answer----- only by theist insult someone and talk about grace that is to be brought unto them ...then when we do answer you get sad and more hateful...that is how the loins of their mind, are sober....sure Gee Zeus

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