My mom hates my writing but I have an actual fan base, should I stop writing?

2018-01-06 1:28 pm
So I just turned 18 and I saw this job offer and they're paying pretty well but its basically writing for porn. I was going to ask my mom can I work at a writing company that involves porn because my mom hates my writing, says my writing is trash ( I've won awards for writing, and got a lot of attention off my writing and my dad likes it but my mom always says its trash, poorly written and she only wanted me to write for kids shows and I can't have cursing, violence, or anything too sexual in them but I actually have a fan base of my writing and this job could probably help me a lot, Should I get the job or reject the offer because my mom doesn't like it?

回答 (14)

2018-01-06 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Welcome to the world of adulthood! Where you make your own decisions, and the decisions you make effect the rest of your life!

Firstly, you can feel some relief knowing that you don't have to ask your mom for permission to accept a job offer. It's your time, effort, and money.

Just remember that IF you were to take this job, you might as well kiss anything to do with children's literature goodbye.

Aside from that, you need to weigh your options. If you do what your mom wants, you would be putting yourself in a very small genre and be limiting yourself and your potential.
2018-01-07 12:18 am
"got a lot of attention off my writing" Whatever you decide about writing porn - and it is your decision what you do with your abilities, not your mother's wish, that counts - write the correct word. The word you should have written is "from", not "off".

My personal feeling is that writing porn is a misuse of the writer's ability and the reader's time, as well as corrupting to their souls, but that's me. I do like a bit of spice in romantic fiction. Erotica and porn are sellable markets. I also wonder if your past work was judged on its explicit descriptions of sex.

Don't stop writing, but think about what you want to write.
2018-01-06 1:58 pm
At what point will you begin to disregard your mother's opinions of your actions and start making decisions based solely on your own wants and needs? Seems to me that now is just as good as any other time.
2018-01-06 1:40 pm
Parents can be excessively judgemental and controlling. I suggest making your decision based on what you can make work for you.
2018-01-06 9:50 pm
1. This isn't a job offer. Job offers come with salaries. This is an offer to write porn on spec. They make this same offer to anyone who visits their web site. There are hundreds of websites that offer that same deal. A little bit of money for writing content which if they like, they'll put on their site. No hits, no money.

2. You don't have a fan base. A fan base would be a group of people who enjoy your writing and seek it out. What you have here aren't a fan base. They're porn fans you'd need to win over.
2018-01-07 1:35 am
If I were to do what my mother wanted me to do, I wouldn't have:

a) Gotten a degree in an area that actually interest me
b) Married my husband
c) Bought a house in the country
d) Gotten cats
e) Gotten a dog

etc. etc.

All things that make me very, very happy.

I think the issue here is more if you want to write for porn? Is it something you're comfortable with, especially seeing how young you are. If you're cool with it, then well... stand your ground.

I respect that you tell your mother everything and show her everything, but maybe you should consider if this is really necessary, since she doesn't seem supportive of what you do?
2018-01-06 1:36 pm
2018-01-06 1:31 pm
I write for a living (novels), and erotica does sell. However, if you're good enough at the craft, you can sell pretty much any genre. I'd think long and hard about going the route of erotica, especially chasing after the money.
2018-01-06 2:02 pm
"Porn" is sexploitation and distortion; negative karma. for day job; honor your mother. Related: "Creation: Artistic and Spiritual;" "Understanding Yourself" by Mark Prophet; "Save the Cat!"; "Shakespeare's Window into the Soul."
2018-01-08 1:48 am
Why listen to the few when you have the many
2018-01-07 4:57 am
Live your life the way you want
2018-01-07 3:23 am
You're writing for a niche market that isn't going to be based through a writing company. Sorry.

If something makes money, fine, but if it's that much of a niche where you need to self publish, it may be smarter to go to something that pays better, like how-to books or novels in the mystery or murder genre.
2018-01-07 1:57 am
You should see a psychiatrist.
2018-01-06 2:39 pm
You don't know what you're getting yourself into, but if you want to , you can.

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