Does Canada near Quebec or Even Montreal get more earthquakes than Parts of New England And if so Why?

2018-01-06 2:01 am

回答 (2)

2018-01-06 2:08 am
How did I know it was you without even looking, Kyle?
I don't know how many times now I've pointed you to the USGS website where you can look up such things for yourself.
2018-01-06 9:55 pm
Yes, Kyle, we do. There are two factors of importance, and the first is glacial rebound (the crust is still rising after the loss of a couple km of glacier ice and all that weight), but the second is structural. The Saint-Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers occur where they do because of deep crustal structures, structures that date back to even before the existence of the Atlantic Ocean (and even date from the ocean which preceded formation of the Appalachians), and deep fundamental structures like that are more likely to move than superficial ones. Here is a quake risk map from NRCan, if I can get it to load.

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