Jeff Sessions is going after recreational marijuana. Weren't all these republicans all about state's rights?

2018-01-05 6:56 am
Isn't this incredibly hypocritical?

回答 (14)

2018-01-05 7:00 am
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Conservatives are profoundly hypocritical.
2018-01-05 7:02 am
Yes it is. They are also supposedly for fiscal responsibility, so there ya go.
2018-01-05 7:01 am
Sessions got belittled and humiliated by trump to the nth degree.

So now he's trying to make himself look significant.

But nothing can help him now. He's been debased too much to matter.
2018-01-05 7:00 am
Trump administration ignoring the will of the American people, again.
2018-01-05 7:33 am
Yes, it is hypocritical, especially since the vast majority of people want at least Medical Marijuana legalized and the drug rescheduled. That would be up to congress. Sessions is letting local agents decide whether or not to prosecute, so I imagine those in legal cannabis states won't be doing much.
2018-01-05 7:02 am
It is useless. Local and state law enforcement have broad latitude on whether or not to enforce federal laws. Lots of federal tax money will be wasted going after small potatoes.
2018-01-05 7:00 am
no more than any of those "libs" who cried about the "ingrate" states not bowing before the federal government's supreme authority...

...but when has a Y/A "question" that included the word "hypocrisy" even been able to board the flight to legitimate discourse without setting off the irony detectors?
2018-01-05 8:05 am
yet more bizarre irrelevancy from the Trumpsychos.

when's round 2 of nuclear button size comparisons ---

when Melancholia finally stops laughing?

2018-01-05 7:58 am
several STATES have legalized marijuana, BUT *** there is still FEDERAL law in effect in ALL 50 states preventing marijuana use legally. ATTORNEY GENERAL Jeff Sessions is a FEDERAL law enforcement officer. He is just DOING HIS CURRENT JOB.
2018-01-05 7:09 am
It's a class 1 drug, alongside the likes of heroin and PCP. Whether or not Sessions agrees with this classification (and he probably does), enforcing federal law is a part of his job description.
2018-01-05 7:08 am
What you need to do is invent a real easy way to dispose of marijuana. Like the federal agent brings in this box, the agent puts the pot in the box and it is ground up and disposed of. It is actually harder to do than you think. For example, the agents could have a big grinder that mixes the pot with cow sh*t that they could dump out. But the dope heads would still find the pile and smoke it. If you mixed the pot with sulfuric acid, they would inject it.
2018-01-05 6:58 am
Jeff Sessions IS NOT going after recreational marijuana as he stated that it's up to the individual state's federal attorneys to decide pursue action or not.

Just another liberal who read the headline and ran with an idiot.
2018-01-05 6:57 am
I though the left was in the boat that federal law trumps states rights? They were from 2009-3017
2018-01-05 7:05 am
I think you have to be a closed minded hypocrite to be a Republican nowadays!

Look at the new book coming out with Bannon quotes. Now I hear he's praising Trump!

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