My boyfriend cheated on me with my friend...?

2018-01-04 10:22 pm

Okay so, my now ex-boyfriend and I started talking mid-September. My friend, who I considered close, transferred to my school August. I found out yesterday from my other friend that they kissed and were messing around with each other. I asked him (my boyfriend), if it was true and he said yes but denied it happening while we were dating. This doesn't add up because if she came in August, and we started talking MID-September. How do I go about this? I dont want to fight her but what should I do??

回答 (2)

2018-01-05 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ditch both of them. Get them out of your life. No fighting, remember both he and she were involved, so just move away from them and on with your life.
2018-01-05 1:09 am
He's lying and you have every right to confront both of them and remove them as friends. Close friends don't do things like that.

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